Announcement : 

Kia ora! Welcome to Cockle Bay School

The Cockle Bay Way (P.B.4.L.)

Student Learner Profile
The 4 Cs are Collaboration, Caring, Continuous Improvement, Celebration

Learner Profile Capabilities

At the heart of all learning at CBS is the Cockle Bay Learner Profile which is made up of the 4Cs:

  • Collaboration
  • Caring
  • Continuous improvement
  • Celebration

Our Learner Capabilities are:

  • Awareness of self and others
  • Communication and collaboration
  • Culturally and socially connected
  • Creative and critical thinking


  • Helping
  • Please and thank you
  • Moving sensibly around the school
  • Don’t call out, respect a sensible noise level, use positive language
  • We all have rights and responsibilities
  • Working together – teamwork
  • Be respectful, courteous and well mannered
  • Be prepared to take risks


  • Respect others, their cultures and their learning
  • We all have the right to speak and be listened to at appropriate times
  • Talk about disagreements and problems 
  • Stop, think, do
  • Take responsibility for your own learning
  • A zero tolerance of bullying
  • Seek help from the duty teacher
  • Include people who might be lonely
  • Care about/respect the belongings of others
  • Care for your classrooms and equipment
  • Wear your school uniform correctly and with pride
  • Take pride in your books – e.g. no scribbling on inside covers, name tags, etc.
  • Reduce, reuse and recycle

Continuous Improvement

  • Always aim for your previous best and improve from there
  • Have your things ready for learning
  • Use your mistakes as opportunities to improve and move forward
  • Listen to and use advice
  • Set goals and focus on achieving them
  • Celebrate learning and success


  • Recognise strengths
  • Know how to recognise what an achievement is
  • Get rid of “tall poppy” syndrome
  • Learn to accept compliments
  • Celebrate small steps
  • Celebrate excellence
  • Being proud of what you achieve
  • Have opportunities to share successes
  • Individual celebrations of success
  • Know the balance between being proud and bragging

Learning Areas

Cockle Bay School, like all other state primary schools, follows the New Zealand Curriculum which includes eight learning areas: English, Mathematics, Science, Technology, Social Sciences, learning languages, the Arts and Health & Physical Education.

At the heart of all learning at Cockle Bay School is the Cockle Bay Learner Profile which is made up of the 4C’s (Collaboration, Caring, Continuous Improvement, Celebration) the skills (critical and creative thinking, responsible, knowledgeable, autonomous learner, connected) and central to this is our Whakatauki:
Children and their learning is at the heart of all we do.

The 4Cs
All students learn at different rates and bring to school a range of learning experiences. The individual needs of each student are met through a differentiated learning .

Inquiry Based Learning


At Cockle Bay School we use an inquiry based approach to learning. It is driven by students’ curiosity about the world around them.

It encourages connection, co-operation, and collaboration by allowing students to pose and solve problems together and with their communities in shared, authentic learning experiences.

To guide the students through the learning we have developed our own inquiry model.

Theme Plan

The content of the inquiry is shared with the teachers, students and our community as a Theme Plan. This overview of learning ensures that the students are exposed to key learning across a range of curriculum areas but also ….

Specialist Programmes

At Cockle Bay School we offer three Specialist Programmes for your child – Music, Physical Education, Dance and Drama.

These Specialist Programmes are taught by expert teachers and our students attend Physical Education and Music classes for 45 minutes a week and Dance and Drama 45 minutes one Term per year.

CBS Clubs

To enrich our students learning we offer a number of clubs.

Courses from robotics to dance, art, sports and choir are available.

Wheel of Choice

Making the Right Choice

The Wheel of Choice provides a fun and exciting way to involve kids in learning strategies to self-regulate their own behaviour and to practise problem-solving skills.

Students are taught the skills/strategies and are encouraged to practise them in class so that they can use them successfully in the playground. Our CBS students are great at focusing on solutions and helping each other.


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