Vandalism Incidents
Dear Parents Over the past few weeks, our school has unfortunately experienced several incidents of costly and careless vandalism. These include: The swing down the
Dear Parents Our fencing project is now completed, although improved signage for the Reception Gate is still to come. It is highly recommended that all
Lockdown Practice Follow Up Email
Dear Parents Today on Friday 9 August, we practised our emergency procedures under the guidance of Harrison Tew®, who specialise in emergency management planning for schools
Planting Day Information
Good Afternoon. Our new Nature Trail and Outdoor Classroom is ready for planting on Tuesday 6 August. Please see the attached flyer for more information.
Messages from our PTN
Pizza Lunch – Tuesday 30th JulyHam and Cheese, Cheese or Gluten Free Cheese available.Orders close Monday 29th July at 9:00 am NO late orders can be
Newletter – 22 July 2024
Dear Parents and Whānau Welcome to Term 3, which is already off to a very settled and positive start. It was great to see our