Announcement : 

Kia ora! Welcome to Cockle Bay School

Health and Wellbeing

At Cockle Bay School we believe that the health and wellbeing of our staff and students is a priority. We have a number of initiatives which are ongoing, to foster and improve student wellbeing.


All students participate in a team fitness programme each week. It has been proven that regular physical activity improves fitness and cognitive function.

Behaviour Development

Teachers at Cockle Bay School have undertaken a two day training programme led by an Australian expert in Restorative Practices, Margaret Thorsborne.

This is a problem-solving approach to behavior development, with students taking a lead role in thinking through their actions and coming up with solution to repair any damaged relationships.

This is a very rigorous process which aims at teaching children ways of behaving that lead to positive relationships. Consequences can be very demanding as they help restore relationships, rather than be simply punitive.


Sometimes children engage in one-off hurtful behaviour, and sometimes bully others.

Bullying is:

  • deliberate – harming another person intentionally
  • a misuse of power in a relationship
  • usually repeated (or with the potential to be repeated over time) rather than a one-off – Bullying involves behaviour that can cause harm – it is not a normal part of growing up

We take hurtful behaviour seriously and encourage children to tell a trusted adult (e.g. teacher, parent) if they are experiencing hurtful behaviour. If your child is experiencing hurtful behaviour please contact your child’s classroom teacher immediately.

For more minor challenges of playground relationships, children’s resilience and confidence is developed through the use of ‘The Wheel of Choice’ which is taught in all classrooms.

The Wheel of Choice

Staff at Cockle Bay School have had formal training on restraint procedures and de-escalation techniques to maximise the safety of all students at Cockle Bay School. We are a very proactive school with high expectations for all students.

Positive Behaviour For Learning (P.B.4.L.)

Cockle Bay School is part of a Ministry of Education P.B.4.L. contract. There is a good P.B.4.L website that parents can access if interested.

This to help parents, whānau and teachers address problem behaviour, improve children’s well-being, and increase educational achievement.

By strengthening relationships and creating more positive home and school environments, barriers to engagement are removed and students’ chances of achieving their potential at school and beyond are improved.

The P.B.4.L mission statement is ‘Positive relationships and partnerships with a consistent approach to create an environment that builds and reframes behaviour’.

Courses for Parents and Teachers

Parent Teacher Network

Our Parent Teacher Network (P.T.N.) sometimes offers courses from The Parenting Centre and parents can contact ‘The Parenting Centre’ directly as well. Teachers have opportunities to attend ‘The Incredible Years’ professional development.

Partnership with Parents

At Cockle Bay school we value a constructive partnership between home and school, and this is prioritised in our current strategic plan.

We offer a comprehensive transition to school parent programme (for parents of 5 year olds) called the Pūkeko Programme. In February, there are parent led conferences with teachers which provides and opportunity for parents to tell teachers all about their children strenghts, needs and goals. The school offers curriculum meetings each year, along with opportunitites for parents to visit classrooms and be part of the learning. We also have regular meetings with Māori and Chinese Families. 

Parent Teacher Network

Our strong P.T.N. offers a great opportunity for parents to connect and to support our school by organising fundraisers, supports the school staff in various ways, and they help us provide extra opportunities for our students.


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