Kia ora! Welcome to Cockle Bay School ***** Carnival Countdown to Saturday 29th March ~ 18 days to go ! *****
Newsletter Countdown (5 Weeks).pdf
Important Notice: Playground Marking Work – Saturday, 7 December
Dear Parents/Guardians Contractors will be working on the school playground markings using specialised equipment on Saturday, 7 December. For everyone’s safety, we kindly remind you: Please do not allow unaccompanied children on the school grounds during this time. Ensure children stay well clear of the work areas and contractors. Thank you for your cooperation in … Read moreImportant Notice: Playground Marking Work – Saturday, 7 December
Wheels Day tomorrow (22 November)
Good afternoon families,We are confirming that it is Wheels Day tomorrow, Friday 22 November. Students are asked to bring non-perishable items for our community collection.Please note that it is a normal school uniform day, NOT a non uniform day, so students need to come to school, as usual, in their Cockle Bay School uniform.The non-uniform day is … Read moreWheels Day tomorrow (22 November)
Congratulations to ex-pupil Molly Mae Penfold and the world champion New Zealand Womens T20 World Cup cricket squad. Molly was our Penney Sportswoman Cup winner when she graduated in 2012, having won every category of the school athletics that year. Molly is a right arm medium bowler who plays for the Auckland Hearts. She was … Read moreCongratulations!
Vandalism Incidents
Dear Parents Over the past few weeks, our school has unfortunately experienced several incidents of costly and careless vandalism. These include: The swing down the bank being set on fire and needing replacement. Playground equipment damaged by bolt cutters (Year 4 playground by Sandspit Road). A trampoline in the junior playground being filled with sand … Read moreVandalism Incidents
Dear Parents Our fencing project is now completed, although improved signage for the Reception Gate is still to come. It is highly recommended that all gates (except reception) are locked during school hours. This makes the school secure. (If we needed to evacuate, gates would be unlocked). If parents or students need to come into … Read moreGATES LOCKED DURING SCHOOL HOURS
Lockdown Practice Follow Up Email
Dear Parents Today on Friday 9 August, we practised our emergency procedures under the guidance of Harrison Tew®, who specialise in emergency management planning for schools and educational facilities. The procedures we follow allow us to respond safely and quickly to a range of situations. We are pleased to inform you that our practice today went … Read moreLockdown Practice Follow Up Email
Planting Day Information
Good Afternoon. Our new Nature Trail and Outdoor Classroom is ready for planting on Tuesday 6 August. Please see the attached flyer for more information. Planting Day Newsletter.pdf