Announcement : 

Kia ora! Welcome to Cockle Bay School.    


Cockle Bay School is on an environmental journey to increase student, staff and community environmental practices. We have been an Enviroschool since 2017. We received our Bronze Enviroschool award at the end of 2018, and our Silver Enviroschool award in 2022.

We want our students to have increased knowledge and experience of Māori perspectives, as well as an understanding of cultural diversity. We have a sense of inter-relatedness in terms of our school, our community, and our environment. Students are involved in planning and making decisions about environmental actions. We are tracking our progress and can show that more change can happen. We are preparing our children for the what lies ahead, by providing a future-focused curriculum. Therefore teaching sustainability must be a genuine priority.

We have an enthusiastic group of Year 3 to 6 Eco Warriors, who meet once a week and are involved in helping keep Howick pest-free, planting natives at the local reserve, and helping the school with reducing our waste.

Eco Warriors

The Eco Warriors are part of a Student Leadership programme at Cockle Bay School.

The Eco Warriors meet each week and are involved in planting, garden to table cooking, promoting nude food and recycling.

Gecko Trust

Every year Cockle Bay School work with the Gecko Trust, Friends of Mangemangeroa and Howick College, to plant hundreds of plants at the local Mangemangeroa Reserve.

Nude Food

Cockle Bay School likes to care for our environment by bringing Nude Food Lunchboxes to school everyday.


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