Announcement : 

Kia ora! Welcome to Cockle Bay School.    

Support and Extension

Extension Programmes


Mathex is an extension programme in Maths that is offered to Year 4, Year 5 and Year 6 students. Groups of students who require extension and added challenge in Maths are identified. These extension classes occur once a week and are taught by the Deputy Principal and SENCo.

Writers Quiz

The Writers’ Quiz is a local inter-school reading competition. There are usually around 32 teams representing 16 different schools. Students who are chosen to represent Cockle Bay School are required to read and remember details from a list of 15 books. They start their reading in March and the quiz takes place in June. Our students normally perform very well.

Dance and Drama

Cockle Bay School is very lucky to be able to offer extension groups for both Dance and Drama. These talented children are selected for events such as school wide productions and the annual HPPA Dance Festival, which is hosted by Cockle Bay School.

Support Programmes

RTLB (Resource Teachers of Learning and Behaviour) Programmes
The Ministry of Education funds a range of intervention programmes. Students are referred to these services when focused support for learning or behaviour is needed. The SENCo and classroom teacher work collaboratively with families throughout this process.

  • Speech/Language Therapy

    Speech Language Therapy involves the diagnosis and treatment of disorders of a person’s speech, language, cognition, voice, eating, drinking or swallowing. If you have any concerns please talk with your childs teacher or Rochelle Stansfield – SENCo.

  • Occupational Therapy/Physiotherapy

    If you have concerns about your childs’ motor skills development (gross and fine motor, clumsiness, difficulty with buttons, laces, etc.), please share your concerns with your child’s class teacher, or Rochelle Stansfield (SENCo). A follow-up and referral can be made to our Ministry provider.

  • Grief Counselling

    Grief counselling is available to students who have sustained a loss (death of a loved one, moved from another country, separation of parents, and so on). The Seasons for Growth programme is recommended for our students.

  • Reading Recovery

    Reading Recovery is for six year olds who are identified by a diagnostic survey as under-achieving in reading and writing.
    These children take part in a daily individual tutoring programme to enable them to cope in the normal classroom situation at a comparative level with their peers.


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