Principal’s Message
Dear Parents and Whānau
Kia ora koutou
Welcome to the start of Term 2. There has been glorious weather over the school holidays and I hope you all got out and enjoyed it.
A special welcome is extended to Room 31 teachers Mrs Vanessa Short and Mrs Laura Edgar, and their new students who start school today. We hope new students and their families become fully involved in our school community. Welcome also to Mrs Kate Yee who joins our Learning Support team today.
During the holidays our fencing project got underway and will take another month to complete. It is Ministry funded, and aims at keeping our children safely inside the school grounds. The community will still be able to enjoy the facilities after school and at weekends. The layout is different at reception, to avoid the risk of students walking through the main car park.
Rooms 7 and 8 are now operational again, after the fire last year. The portacoms will be removed soon. The resilience and adaptability of our staff and students impacted by the fire is acknowledged, particularly that of teachers Vicky Warner and Louise Parker and caretakers Nick and Colin.
Road Safety:
Students are encouraged to walk to/from school, and drivers are encouraged to find parks further away from the school. All drivers are expected to obey road rules around stopping for drop offs and collects. Parents are encouraged to supervise students crossing at the Litten/Sandspit/Paparoa Island intersection, as near misses are often reported to us.
Attendance has been of media interest lately. Schools will be reporting to the Ministry on attendance weekly this term. We will be monitoring late arrivals and absences weekly, and contacting parents where there are concerns. You must let the school know if your child is going to be absent for a day or intends to be absent for a portion of the school term for whatever reason, like a tangi or medical procedure. Family holidays or taking time off for extracurricular activities (not organised by school) are not deemed by the Ministry to be acceptable reasons for being absent (Please email the principal if in this situation). If you’re struggling at home with getting your child to school, please talk to us so we can help!
Sick children, who may be contagious, or who are feeling poorly and are therefore not ready to learn, should stay home. Students who test positive for covid are asked to inform the school and remain at home for 5 days. After vomiting/diarrhea students need to remain at home once symptoms are gone for a further 2 days The school contacts parents of students who become sick during the school day, so please ensure the office has your correct contact details.
Please use the Cockle Bay School Website Quick Link ‘Report an absence’, to report any absence and reasons. The school checks attendance at 8.45am and 1.30pm daily, and as a priority follows up on unexplained absences. This can be a time-consuming job, so your attention to reporting absences and reasons is appreciated.
Here is further MOE Advice for Parents around attendance.
Conferences: Teacher led conferences are scheduled for next week, Thursday 9 May 1:00 – 7:00pm. Students are asked to go home at 12:30pm on that day. Please check you have booked a conference and advised us of what your children will be doing at 12:30pm on 9 May.