Principal’s Message
Dear Parents and Whānau
Cockle Bay School is a very busy place at present, with HPPA Gymnastics competition, the HPPA Literary Quiz and Jump Jam competitions coming up. The HPPA Dance Festival is organised by Cockle Bay School staff (led by Kimberley Rivett with Mandy Kearney, dance teacher Louise Parker, and staff helpers). In our ongoing programmes we have speech preparation, visiting experts and trips outside the classroom.
Kakapo and Takahe Production
The Kakapo and Takahe Production (led by Lynnette Leggett and supported by Mandy Kearney, Louise Parker and staff) is in the first week of September. All our props and gear associated with the production need to be carried across to Howick College the first Saturday, and returned to our school the following weekend. Due to complex timetables this work has to be done at weekends. It is one of those jobs that is massive for a few, but many hands make it much quicker. If you could help us it would be really appreciated. So far, we have only a couple of offers, so we would love some more help.
Can you help to set up and pack down for our upcoming senior school production?
We seek the support of the school community on Saturday 31st 10 – 12 noon, and again the next weekend Saturday 7th September 10 – 12 noon to move all of the costumes and props across to Howick College. Please phone the office (PH: 5348333) if you can help. Thanks in advance for your support.
We continue to have lots of sick students and teachers this term. Thanks for keeping really sick children and those who are likely to be contagious at home. We have a significant number of staff needing to stay home, and try hard to get relievers, but there is an Auckland shortage. When there is no other option, classes are split within the team or across two teams. Thanks for your understanding.
Lasting Legacy
Thanks to all the students and families who came along and helped plant 12 native trees and many native shrubs. Special thanks to Nick Want who worked solidly throughout, and for all the donations from our students and their families.
I’m pleased to acknowledge further large donations as follows:
- Icon Nurseries 8 native trees.
- Bronze Donation from Omar Ismail and his family
- Silver Donation from Violet Van Schalkwyk and her family
Congratulations to teacher Alisha Coleman and family on the safe arrival of their baby boy, Ziggy.
Ngā Mihi
Dorothy Bigwood
Each term we review the content and implementation of our school policies and we ask our school community to participate in this process. Please go to our website, and under “Our School”, select “Policies and Procedures”. Here you will find a Push Button that says “Go to Policies” and this will take you through to the SchoolDocs site where you will see a blue button labelled “Reviews”. Select the policy that you wish to review from the list of topics, then select the push button “Start your Review”. Username: cocklebay. Password: sandspit.
This term the policies under review are:
- Concerns and complaints policy
- Media
- Performance management
- Professional development
- Protected disclosure
- Staff conduct
- Staff leave
CBS FAMILY PHOTO DAY – Sunday 25 August
When was the last time you had a family photo? Find it too costly and just too hard to organise? Cockle Bay School PTN is offering an awesome, inexpensive family photo opportunity for our community.
For just $30 (normally $79.99) you can have a professional family photo taken by NZ
Family Portraits and receive a 10” x 13” glossy colour photo print free!
When: Sunday 25th August
Where: Cockle Bay School Hall
A professional back drop will be set up with seated and standing options.
Time: Time slots are 10 minutes each and can be booked for between 8:00am – 5:00pm.
Who: Anyone in your family, including pets! The only requirement is the photo has to have at least one adult in it. Grandparents and other family members welcome.
Photo pick up: Photos will be ready for in person collection, approximately one week later. Photos must be approved by a parent and can be collected then.
Love the photo and want to give copies to the whole whānau? There will be additional, no
obligation, photo packages available to purchase on pick up day, which include the photo
negative. There are limited spots, and this opportunity will run out fast! So, head over to KINDO and lock in your timeslot: or contact the PTN at for further information.
Enviro News
How to pack Nude Food Zero Waste Lunch box
在Cockle Bay小学,我们已经执行“零包装垃圾的午餐盒”政策。以下是一些方法,帮助你在不使用任何一次性塑料(如塑料保鲜膜、塑封袋、薯片袋或酸奶杯)的情况下,打包一个健康的零包装垃圾的午餐盒:
At Cockle Bay School we have adopted a ‘nude food lunchbox’ policy. Here are some ways you can pack a healthy zero waste lunch box without using any single use plastic whether it be plastic glad wrap, zip-lock bags, chip packets or yoghurt tubs.
- 使用便当风格的午餐盒
A bento style lunch box
- 使用可堆叠的午餐盒或独立容器
Use stackable lunch boxes or individual containers
- 使用可重复使用的食品袋或袋子
Use a reusable food pouch or bag
- 使用可重复使用的蜂蜡保鲜膜代替塑料保鲜膜
Replace plastic glad wrap with reusable beeswax wrap
In your child’s nude food zero waste lunch box, don’t forget reusable cutlery, a cloth napkin, and a reusable water bottle as well!
Host an International Student
Ever considered hosting an international student?
By hosting an international student, you can:
- Enjoy the benefits of cultural exchange and diversity
- Help your child develop global awareness and communication skills
- Earn extra income to for your family
Where do students come from?
We host students from:
- China
- S.E. Asia (Vietnam, Cambodia, Thailand, Japan, Korea)
- Germany, France, Italy
- Mexico, Brazil, Colombia
Generally, students from Latin America and Europe stay for one term (ten weeks) up to one year. Students from Asia tend to stay for many years with a view to gaining NCEA.
How can we learn more?
If you would like to learn more about how you might make a difference in a young person’s life and enrich your own, follow the link below and a member of the team will be in touch:
Somerville Intermediate 2025 Enrolment Applications
In zone families are encouraged to complete and submit their enrolment applications, as soon as possible, for processing prior to the end of term 3.
Out of zone enrolment applications will close 4pm Wednesday 4th September 2024. The ballot will be held on Wednesday 11 September 2024 and all out of zone applicants will be notified of the ballot results via email, to their Priority 1 caregiver within 24 hours.
New Entrants
If your child is turning 5 in Term 4 of this year and you have not completed an enrolment form, please do so now. Forms can be collected from the school office or downloaded from the school website.
2024 Dates for your Diary:
Thursday 29 August – HPPA Dance Festival
Friday 30 August – HPPA Literacy Quiz
Thursday 12 September – Board Meeting
Friday, 13 September – Disco
Monday 23 September – Junior Cross Country
Friday 27 September: Term 3 ends
Monday 14 October: Term 4 commences
Tuesday 15 October – Out of Zone enrolments close
Thursday 24 October – Board Meeting
Friday 25 October – Teacher Only Day
Wednesday 30 October – Senior Athletics
Tuesday 17 December – Final day
Quick links to our school website:
School Calendar
2024 Term Dates (website home page)
School events
2025 Term Dates:
Term One
Monday 3 February – Friday 11 April
Term Two
Monday 28 April – Friday 27 June
Term Three
Monday 14 July – Friday 19 September
Term Four
Monday 6 October – Thursday 18 December
Teacher Only Days:
Friday 24 October
Uniform Shop
Next opening date Monday, 2 September 2024 – 8:15am-9:00am and 2:30pm-3:15pm.
Collect the Yummy cut-out labels from bags (each cut-out label is worth 10 stickers) and individual Yummy apple stickers for your school’s share of the $200,000 free Sport sports gear prize pool. Yummy apples are available from New World, PAK’nSAVE and participating Four Square stores. The more you collect, the more sports gear you get, so get going and start collecting your Yummy cut-out labels and stickers now!
Sticker Collection Sheet

KiwiSchools is our main means of communication. You can register an absence and locate all up-to-date information, as well as access current/previous newsletters. The app is located in your phone’s app store and is called KiwiSchools Connect – use the QR code to the left to download this.
Once you have downloaded the app, search for Cockle Bay School and then save this as your school of choice. You will then be able to keep up to date with regular communication and notifications. Please ask at the office if you have any problems accessing the app.
Botany Taekwondo has been training the ITF style of Taekwondo at Cockle Bay School for over 15 years.
Come and have some fun with us get fit and learn a new skill with qualifications that are recognised around the world.
We operate a 2 week free trial. Want to know more? Visit our website at or just turn up at 6:00pm on Wednesday nights and say “hi”. All ages and abilities are welcome.