Announcement : 

Kia ora! Welcome to Cockle Bay School ***** Carnival Countdown to Saturday 29th March ~ 18 days to go ! *****


At Cockle Bay School we have a smart, comfortable uniform that is compulsory.

Over the break I’m sure most families will be checking school uniforms for the start of Term 3. Please check that what your child wears to school fits with our uniform guidelines. There will be a focus on school uniforms in the first week of term. Lately we have noticed that uniform standards have been slipping with non-uniform items being worn on top of uniform items or showing underneath, and non-uniform shoes and jumpers being worn. If your child is feeling the cold and requires extra layers of clothing, please ensure that these are not visible under their school uniform. Our classrooms are heated so often students get over heated during the day. Black, comfortable, durable shoes with laces or velcro fastenings and non-slip soles are ideal for school use and provide support for growing feet, whereas loose-fitting ‘Crocs’ are not suitable nor safe footwear for a busy learning and play environment.

Cockle Bay Winter Uniform:

– Regulation navy shorts/long trousers
– Regulation tartan skirt
– Regulation long or short sleeved royal blue polo shirt
– Regulation white blouse
– Socks – navy or white
– Navy tights
– Blue or black cycle pants can be worn under the uniform (not visible)
– Black shoes (plain, without writing and without ‘bling’ or embellishments).

Wearing our school uniform with pride fosters unity and community spirit within our school and promotes our 4C values of collaboration, continuous improvement, caring and celebration. We look forward to seeing everyone back after the holidays, looking great in their correct school uniform.

Thanks for your support with this.

Dorothy Bigwood


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