Principal’s Message
Dear Parents and Whānau
Everyone here at Cockle Bay School is busy packing up classrooms and tidying up before we close for the holidays – don’t forget that school finishes at 12:30pm, Wednesday. Please collect your children promptly at 12:30pm.
To all of our Year 6 students and families who now leave us, we wish you a heartfelt farewell and best wishes for your journey onto Intermediate. We have all enjoyed watching you grow into the capable students you are today and we look forward to hearing of your successes in the future. Thank you all again for your many and varied contributions to Cockle Bay School. We hope you take many happy memories with you and remember “Once a Cockle Bay Kid, Always a Cockle Bay Kid!”.
To the remaining Cockle Bay parents and families, thank you so much for your support and enthusiasm throughout 2023. I wish you all a restful, healthy and happy break and look forward to seeing you next year.
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year/Meri Kirihimete me te Hape Nū Ia!
Dorothy Bigwood
End of Term 4 – Final Week
Monday 18 December |
Year 6 Graduation |
By invitation only |
Tuesday 19 December |
Year 6 Big Day Out |
Wednesday 20 December |
Year 6 uniform donation |
Dome – before school |
Celebration Assembly |
11:10am-12:10pm |
Last day of school |
12:30pm finish |
We sadly say farewell to the following staff:
- Karen McNeill, who has been with the school for 17 years as a Learning Support Assistant, providing support to our teachers, children and their families. Karen is a highly regarded staff member who has a reputation as a skilled, patient, and exceptionally kind LSA. She leaves us to work alongside her husband in their business and to spend more time with family. Karen will be greatly missed by us all and we wish her the very best.
- Dale Smith, who is moving to be near family in Taranaki. This is Dale’s second stint working at Cockle Bay School and her knowledge and experience have been greatly appreciated over these past five years. In addition to her teaching role in Year 3, Dale has also been an active participant on our health and safety committee, and has contributed with passion to enviro projects. All the very best for your move, Dale.
- Emma Osborne, Year 2 teacher, a knowledgeable and valued member of our literacy team, Jump Jam coach, and school parent. Emma leaves us to work as an RTLB (Resource Teacher of Learning and Behaviour) and we hope to see her back at Cockle Bay School in that role. Thanks and good luck, Emma!
- Maria Mouncey-Reedy, who leaves us to travel overseas. Maria is an enthusiastic and popular member of the Year 3 team who has been actively involved in the science club. We will miss her and look forward to hearing about all her amazing adventures overseas where she plans to teach and travel.
- Amanda Smith, Learning Support Assistant. Amanda has been with us since 2014 and is known for being a caring and considerate LSA and baker of amazing cheese scones! Thanks for all your hard work, your contribution to the health and safety committee, and the incredible support you have given to students in your care, Amanda. Colleagues have really appreciated all that you have done to help them too. Good luck in your future endeavours.
- Vanessa Short, Nicola Wilson, Bridget Bear and Laura Edgar, who have now finished their current tenure. We are extremely fortunate to have had such talent available to us in these short-term positions. Thank you.
- Jo Curwood, who is taking a year’s leave of absence. Jo has been co-sharing the Year 6 team leader role this year in addition to her classroom teaching position, and we are extremely grateful to her for all her efforts in this regard. We look forward to welcoming Jo back at CBS in 2025.
- Rochelle Stansfield, who has been granted 32 weeks of study leave to work on the research component of her doctorate. She will be returning mid-term 4, 2024. Ivy Narot will be taking up the position of SENCo in Rochelle’s absence.
We welcome:
- Shorelle Adams, who is a beginning teacher and will be based in Room 24 (Year 2). Shorelle will be a familiar face to many, having completed her university placement with us this year.
- Rebecca Barton, who joins the Weka team (Year 3). Rebecca is an experienced teacher and a Cockle Bay School parent.
- Ariana Nathan, a third year teacher, and ex Cockle Bay School student. We welcome Ariana to the Tui team (Year 2).
- Madi Kinnane, who is a beginning teacher from Dunedin. Madi will be based in Room 29.
Further to our community consultation on uniform, the options for summer are:
- the summer dress, or
- cargo shorts with white blouse, or royal blue polo shirt.
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year/Meri Kirihimete me te Hape Nū Ia!
Dorothy Bigwood

Over the Holidays
Vandalism and Other Issues
If you witness any concerning behaviour and/or vandalism actively occurring over the break, please call 111. Should you be visiting the school and notice any damage, please text Dorothy on PH: 021 243 3687.
Contractors on Site
We have various contractors on site working throughout the holidays. Therefore, we ask that you ensure that any children visiting our school over the break are closely supervised while they are on site.
The school pool is now open to Cockle Bay School pool key holders. Please observe the pool conditions of use, especially regarding water supervision, and remember that only Cockle Bay School keyholders are allowed access to the pool. It is important that the gate is closed at all times.
A huge thanks goes to our parent volunteer, David Thompson, for managing the school pool again over the Christmas/New Year break until 10 January. This makes it possible to open the pool to key holders from the local community, as we probably wouldn’t be able to this otherwise.
Office Holiday Opening Hours
The school office will be open from 9:00am-12:00pm on Thursday 25th and Tuesday 30th January for any enquiries.
School stationery is available from Paper Plus, either online or in-store.
Are you returning in 2024?
If your child is not returning to Cockle Bay School in 2024, please notify the office.
Your Kindo Account
The end of the year is fast approaching, so just a friendly reminder to log in to your Kindo account or contact the school office to contribute to the events your child has participated in this year.
Contributions can be made from your Kindo account, by internet banking (02-0168-0013657-00) or by credit card, eftpos at the school office.
New World Local Heroes
We have been nominated as a Local Hero at New World. If you shop there, please remember to drop your tokens into the Cockle Bay box before you leave.
PB4L Token Amnesty
We are missing a number of our reward tokens for PB4L. If any of these blue or yellow tokens have made their way home to you, please arrange for these to be returned to the office. Thank you.
Uniform Shop
The Year 6 Uniform Donation day is this Wednesday, 20th December.
Health & Safety
If you wish to record additional people who are authorised to collect your child (including any older siblings), please email the office (office@cocklebay.school.nz) with details – their name, relationship to you, and mobile number.
We are pleased to introduce our refreshed and renewed school website. The URL has not changed, so you will still find all the information on www.https://www.cocklebay.school.nz/ You will notice, however, the refreshed look of the website and the ease of being able to locate what you need. We welcome feedback and hope to hear that this is a great connection/communication tool for new families to the school. 
The new app replaces Audiri (formerly SkoolBag) as our main means of communication. Forms that were previously on Audiri can be located on the website, which is linked directly through the app. You can still register an absence and locate all up to date information, as well as current/previous newsletters. The new app is located in your phone’s app store and is called KiwiSchools Connect – use the QR code to the left to download this.
Once you have downloaded the app, search for Cockle Bay School and then save this as your school of choice. You will then be able to keep up to date with regular communication and notifications. Please ask at the office if you have any problems accessing the app.
Botany Taekwon-Do has been training the ITF style of Taekwon-Do at Cockle Bay School for over 15 years.
Come and have some fun with us get fit and learn a new skill with qualifications that are recognised around the world.
We operate a 2 week free trial. Want to know more visit our web site at botanytaekwondo.co.nz or just turn up at 6pm on Wednesday nights and say hi all ages and abilities are welcome.
MEGANZ School of Visual Arts
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The art school is based in Cockle Bay
We have been operating since 2007
Check out our website for details www.vizart.co.nzFacebook & Instagram – @meganzsva Phone/text Megan on 021 108 5419