Announcement : 

Kia ora! Welcome to Cockle Bay School ***** Carnival Countdown to Saturday 29th March ~ 16 days to go ! *****


Excitement is building among students as construction progresses on our new Nature Trail and outdoor classroom. An artist’s rendering provides a glimpse of the ongoing installations:

While the school is eagerly anticipating landscaping developments, their costs are yet to be determined and incorporated into the budget. Our vision includes a planting plan for native trees and bushes to be implemented in Autumn, transforming the entire area into a beautiful environmentally friendly space—a potential teaching area for New Zealand natives.

In collaboration with the Parent Teacher Network (P.T.N.), we are presenting a lasting legacy fundraising opportunity to families closely connected to Cockle Bay School. This initiative allows you to leave a permanent imprint on our already historically rich and reflects our genuine sense of pride in our school within the local community.

What is the Lasting Legacy?

Families can contribute to Cockle Bay School’s lasting legacy by donating towards the planting of the Nature Trail and Outdoor Classroom. There are bronze, silver, and gold donation levels, with acknowledgements for each. Students and their families will have the chance to plant native trees and shrubs next autumn, and watch them grow over the years.

For this year’s departing Year 6 students and their families, a donation to the Nature Trail could be a meaningful gift. They might return in the future, as “big grown-up people,” to see how the plants they contributed to have flourished.

For Year 0 – 5 students and families, a donation to the Nature Trail serves as a gift, allowing them to witness the growth of the plants as they progress through Cockle Bay School.

How will donations be acknowledged?

Various donation options are available, each with its corresponding acknowledgments:

  • Bronze Donation $100: Mention in the school newsletter.
  • Silver Donation $200: Inclusion in the school newsletter, website, and acknowledgement in the school hall for one year.
  • Gold Donation $350+: The above acknowledgments, plus inclusion of the donor’s name on the gold donation plaque.

Smaller donations are also warmly welcomed e.g. $5, $10, $20, $50.

Who will do the planting?

A community working bee will be organised to dig the holes, and students still attending Cockle Bay School will take part in the planting on a designated school day. Where manageable, leaving students might be able to return as well. Families will be encouraged to join in and lend a helping hand.

How can I donate?

Donations can be made through Kindo or at the school office.

For any inquiries about the Lasting Legacy, please reach out to the school office, or myself.


Kind regards

Dorothy Bigwood



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