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Kia ora! Welcome to Cockle Bay School ***** Carnival Countdown to Saturday 29th March ~ 16 days to go ! *****

Newsletter – 23 November 2023

Cockle Bay School
School Newsletter
Children and their learning at the heart of all we do.

Principal’s Message

Dear Parents and Whānau

Wheels Day Tomorrow

Friday 24 November, is Wheels Day, which is an exciting event for our students. Children can bring their own prams, scooters, bikes, skateboards, rollerblades, models and radio-controlled vehicles.

We want to keep them safe and having fun, so please note the following rules:

    • Wheels Day begins at interval, so NO RIDING BEFORE SCHOOL
    • No riding of any wheeled objects to and from school
    • No riding bikes without helmets. Scooters, skateboarding and rollerblading (wear helmets if you usually wear one at home)
    • All ‘wheels’ must be stored neatly outside of classrooms
    •  All owners are responsible for their own ‘wheels’. ·Designated areas must be adhered to
    • No hoverboards nor motorised scooters

There are designated areas for children to use, and there will be extra adults outside at interval and lunchtime to give support to the student councillors who have organised this day.

Student councillors will collect your donations of canned food (please check expiry dates as expired items will not be accepted by the foodbank), new and used toys and non-perishable items (toothpaste, toothbrushes, toiletries, etc) which will be donated to the local Salvation Army. A big thank you from the school for these donations to families who are struggling at present. 


The media is reporting another wave of COVID-19 New Zealand wide, and at school we are observing more cases showing up. In consequence, we are taking appropriate measures at school to reduce the spread of illness.

Parents are asked to:

  • Keep their children home if showing signs of sickness, especially those consistent with COVID-19. Symptoms can include one or more of the following: a new or worsening cough, sneezing and runny nose, a fever, temporary loss of smell or altered sense of taste, sore throat, shortness of breath, fatigue/feeling of tiredness.
  • Test for COVID-19 if symptoms indicate this possibility
  • Advise the school on the absence line if their child has tested positive.
  • The Ministry of Health recommends that anyone testing positive for COVID-19 should isolate for 5 days and wear a mask when visiting healthcare facilities

The school will advise parents of classes where we see a pattern of COVID-19 occurring, so parents can be super vigilant.


Class swimming will start soon. The pool is looking lovely, is monitored for hygiene and is heated. Swimming is part of our curriculum with water confidence and safety the focus. Class teachers will be informing classes of their allocated swimming time, and they have clear guidelines to follow on safety procedures. All students are expected to participate unless there is a medical or behavioural reason for them not to join in. If you have concerns, please share these with class teachers in the first instance.


We have a very busy healthroom, often made that wee bit busier through parents informing children reluctant to come to school, that if they don’t feel well they can go to the office and we will send them home. Of course we will call you if your child is unwell, but we would prefer it if you emailed your child’s teacher/called the office with your instructions, rather than ‘dangling that carrot’ of having the opportunity to spend most of the day at home with mum or dad.

Sun hats

We have a large number of sun hats being left around the school. Please ensure that all school uniform items (including hats) are clearly labelled so that they can be returned to their owner if found. A reminder to children about looking after their belongings and keeping their hats in their school bags when they are not being used would also be helpful. Hats are compulsory during the summer months and should be brought to school every day, along with a suitable sunscreen.

Mandarin Language Assistant

In 2024 Cockle Bay School will have a  Mandarin Language Assistant (MLA), brought to New Zealand and supervised by The Confucius Institute. This MLA will be a graduate from a Chinese University, who comes to NZ for a year to teach Mandarin language and Chinese culture. In my experience the MLAs are lovely, very motivated and respectful. They are not trained teachers, but are passionate advocates of their language and culture. In the coming weeks I expect we will be given the profile of our MLA so will learn more about him/her. Most of them are young women.

We need to find a homestay within walking distance of our school. 

In the past I have home-stayed three MLAs (over 3 years), so I can recommend the experience. They need a room of their own, breakfast and dinner, lunch a bit negotiable. Often they travel with other MLAs in the school holidays at their own expense. Reimbursement to the homestay is $275 per week, including the holidays. (This is partially funded by the Confucius Institute and partially by the MLA, with the school collecting and passing funds on to the homestay.)

Please let the school office ( know if you are interested in becoming a homestay family. 

For your information, the New Zealand-China Free Trade Agreement supports the placement of Mandarin Language Assistants (MLAs) in NZ schools to facilitate the teaching and learning of language provision in New Zealand schools. Language learning is encouraged within New Zealand schools, and becomes a requirement by intermediate. The programme also provides the MLAs with an opportunity to improve their English, to experience New Zealand and to build connections and understanding with New Zealanders.

Eastern Beats Music Festival

On 15th  and 16th November, Year 4 travelled to Point View School to participate in the inaugural Eastern Beats performance. Trina Clarke, music specialist at Point View and Lynnette Leggett came up with the idea of a performance opportunity to promote singing in our Waipaparoa Kāhui Ako schools. This year Point View had their two choirs – a Junior Choir of 80 children and the Senior Choir also with 80 students. Willowbank brought their choir of 20 and Cockle Bay had all 110 children in Year 4.

We held a dress rehearsal on the Wednesday, which was the first opportunity for all 300 school children to come together and sing. This was followed by a matinee performance on Thursday 16th and an evening performance where it was standing room only. Many thanks to the parents who brought their children back for the evening performance.

Judging from the audience response, the evening was a resounding success. It is planned that Eastern Beats will become a yearly event.

Stockade Hill Turning on the Lights

Carrying on the Year 4 success of singing at Eastern Beats, a large group of Year 4 singers performed at Stockade Hill. There was a wonderful festive atmosphere as quite a few local schools performed items – singing and dancing. 

This was the second year Cockle Bay has performed at this event. Cockle Bay Kōtuku Singers performed two songs from Eastern Beats and two from their previous performances at school “What A Wonderful World”. 

Many thanks to the parents who braved the weather and supported these singers. 

H.P.P.A. Athletics

Last week 58 students represented Cockle Bay at the HPPA Athletics event at Lloyd Elsmore. Our students demonstrated strength, speed, agility and endurance throughout the day whilst supporting fellow athletes. We came away with 7 first places, 6 second places and 7 third places in various events. The final event was the 4x100m relay. Our 9 year old boys were 1st, 11 year old boys placed 2nd, and the 10 year old girls came 3rd. Thank you to our amazing supporters as always. Don’t forget Junior Athletics Day is next Tuesday! Year 3 students are to wear PE gear, including a hat. Year 0-2 students are to wear sports clothes (including sneakers) to school and will remain in their sports clothes for the school day. 

Year 0-2 9.00-12.10pm (12 events) approx. Year 3 1.30pm-2.45 (5 events).

Camp Year 4

Very best wishes to Kotuku Team for their overnight camp at Willow Park next Thursday. This is a very special event for the students and a great opportunity to be introduced to overnight education outside the classroom. Thanks to all the parents supporting their children for this highlight, and special thanks to the teachers and Vicky Warner for their leadership and planning.

Positive Behaviour for Learning (PB4L)

At Cockle Bay School we encourage students to make the right choice when dealing with problems. To support students with this we have the Wheel of Choice, which is displayed around the school and in classrooms. The Wheel of Choice reminds students to try at least two ideas and if this doesn’t help to then see a duty teacher. 

The PB4L lessons this week focus on respecting their own and others’ property. Over the week students will be discussing and showing ways to demonstrate the 4C of caring for our school property and environment. 

Playground Update

Work on the Year 3 playground is progressing well. Should you have any concerns about the contractors and/or construction area, please contact the school office.


Ngā mihi


Dorothy Bigwood

PB4L Token Amnesty

We are missing a number of our reward tokens for PB4L. If any of these have made their way home to you, please arrange for these to be returned to the office. Thank you.

Uniform Shop

The next opening for the uniform shop is Monday, 27 November, from 8:30am-9:15am and 2:30 pm-3:15 pm. The final opening day will be Monday 11th of December, with the Year 6 Uniform Donation day on Wednesday, 20th December.


Health & Safety

If you wish to record additional people who are authorised to collect your child (including any older siblings), please email the office ( with details – their name, relationship to you, and mobile number.

Dates for your Diary:

Term 4

28 November – Junior Athletics

30 November – 1 December – Year 4 camp

14 December – Celebration Night

18 December: Report to go home

18 December: Year 6 Graduation

20 December: Last day of school

Quick links to our school website:

School Calendar

Term Dates (At the bottom of home page)

School events

We are pleased to introduce our refreshed and renewed school website. The URL has not changed, so you will still find all the information on www. You will notice, however, the refreshed look of the website and the ease of being able to locate what you need. We welcome feedback and hope to hear that this is a great connection/communication tool for new families to the school. 

The new app replaces Audiri (formerly SkoolBag) as our main means of communication. Forms that were previously on Audiri can be located on the website, which is linked directly through the app. You can still register an absence and locate all up to date information, as well as current/previous newsletters. The new app is located in your phone’s app store and is called KiwiSchools Connect – use the QR code to the left to download this.

Once you have downloaded the app, search for Cockle Bay School and then save this as your school of choice. You will then be able to keep up to date with regular communication and notifications. Please ask at the office if you have any problems accessing the app.

Botany Taekwon-Do has been training the ITF style of Taekwon-Do at Cockle Bay School for over 15 years.

Come and have some fun with us get fit and learn a new skill with qualifications that are recognised around the world.

We operate a 2 week free trial. Want to know more visit our web site at or just turn up at 6pm on Wednesday nights and say hi all ages and abilities are welcome.

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