Announcement : 

Kia ora! Welcome to Cockle Bay School ***** Carnival Countdown to Saturday 29th March ~ 18 days to go ! *****

Principal’s Newsletter 15 August 2023

Principal’s Report

Dear Parents and Whānau

Nau mai, haere mai everyone!

We are almost halfway through the term and it has been busy with lots of rich learning so far. Our rehearsals for Madagascar Jr. are well underway, and there is a genuine buzz of excitement across the senior school, as our students prepare for what will be a wonderful experience for them all.

With a lot of winter sickness around, we urge parents to keep their children at home when they are unwell. Although there are no longer any isolation requirements for Covid-19, keeping children at home when sick with flu, a cold or cough, allows your child plenty of time to fully recover. Long term, this keeps the next round of bugs away for them, and also helps to keep the other children and staff healthy. We thank you for your support with this. 

Last week, we farewelled more international students, but not before they had been on another EOTC adventure to Butterfly Creek. They have had a memorable experience of New Zealand culture thanks to our staff, you and your children, making them feel so welcome. We look forward to hosting more international students in future.


Last Tuesday saw our senior students competing in the HPPA cross country, which was a well-attended event in bright sunshine. A big thanks to Miss Kearney for her organisation and congratulations to all of the students who competed and represented the school.


Oscar F

1st place, Year 4 Boys

1st place

Year 4 boys

Jack I

2nd place, Year 4 Boys

2nd place

Year 5 girls

Mohamed K

2nd place, Year 6 Boys

3rd place

Year 5 boys


3rd place

Year 6 boys


2nd place, Cockle Bay School



With the wintry weather, the field is often too muddy/damp to open for all students during break times, however, we do allow those with their P.E gear to use it when possible. We therefore  appreciate P.E. gear coming to school every day, and remind our students to wear this on the field during break times as well.

Enviro News

At Cockle Bay School, we are working on minimising our school waste by 40%. One of the ways that families can support this is by making sure your child brings a nude food lunch box to school each day (see examples here). In a few weeks time, the Eco Warriors will be running a nude food lunchbox competition. There are prizes for the classes who have the most nude food lunch boxes that week. Help our school be more sustainable and waste free!

Thank You

Thanks to all the families who contributed towards our emergency can collection. Last year’s stock has been donated to the local Salvation Army foodbank.

Madagascar Jr

Term 3 is going to be an exciting term for all the students in Years 5 and 6 as they will be rehearsing for their production of Madagascar Jr. Performances are in Week 10. Information about tickets and performance times will be announced in the middle of the term. 

Shows of this magnitude rely heavily upon adults volunteering their skills and talents. If you are able to help in any of the following areas, please contact Mrs Rivett via email:

SEWING COSTUMES              

SET PAINTING          





DRESSERS (male and female)    



Did we mention SEWING ?? (we have nearly 300 in the cast!)

Does anyone have a contact that could provide and erect/strike scaffolding for our set?

We would be very grateful for any time you could gift to us.


Thank you to everyone who has paid their school donation and activity costs.

Many of the different year levels have participated in activities recently. Please check to see that your account is up to date.

Dates for your Diary

Please check our school calendar for upcoming events.

2023 Dates

Check here for term dates, student conferences and early finish date and Teacher only Days for 2023.

Botany Taekwon-Do

Botany Taekwon-Do has been training the ITF style of Taekwon-Do at Cockle Bay School for over 15 years,

Come and have some fun with us get fit and learn a new skill with qualifications that are recognised around the world.

We operate a 2 week free trial. Want to know more visit our web site at or just turn up at 6pm on Wednesday nights and say hi all ages and ability’s are welcome.

After School Soccer – Term 3

To register please use the following link:

After School Soccer Registration


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